2024: The Year of Habits and Self-Love

2 min readJan 1, 2024

Habits. Self-love. Those are my two words for 2024.

I came up with habits a while back, but I wanted another, more spiritual one. When I was telling my therapist about it, she suggested self-love.

I agreed. Self-love is something I need to work on. For a long time, self-love wasn’t something I even considered. In fact, I’d argue that I pretty much hated myself. It sounds harsh, but ask any person with depression, and they’ll understand.

Over the last few years, I’d say that my self-hatred has significantly dissipated, and I’m more in a self-like zone now. I definitely don’t hate myself anymore, but not at the self-love level I’d like to be at.

And the interesting thing is that self-love comes from good habits. However, that revelation wasn’t immediately clear to me.

When I chose habits, I was feeling overwhelmed. I had experienced serious burnout in the first half of 2023, so I wanted to avoid that again. I also had a lot of ideas for my business and mental health advocacy work, but I needed more accountability.

I know that habits are a huge part of reducing overwhelm and being accountable. So, I thought 2024 would be the year I would implement better habits in my business, personal life, and daily routine. With better habits, I can work more efficiently, feel better mentally and physically, and execute some of those big ideas.

Yet, I didn’t equate any of those goals with self-love until my therapist suggested the word. Then it dawned on me. If I can implement better habits and achieve all those goals, I’ll feel better about myself and be in a better position to love myself.

Like anything worth doing, I know this journey to self-love will be just that — a journey. I’m sure there’ll be moments when my habits fall by the wayside, but it’s just a matter of continuing to push forward. Just like I did when I started my business, quit alcohol, started my meditation practice, and any of the other challenging things I’ve accomplished.

Self-love might be the hardest one out of all the goals I’ve set for myself, but I’m determined to make it happen.




An entrepreneur committed to removing the stigma of mental illness and bringing mental health care to all.